Designer and Artist Supreme Erik Reeves breaks out with his Veer Graphics comic Peacekeeper. Its a futuristic book with a lot of well detailed Art and an intersting story that revolves around an incredible "dimetastic" (i just made that word up) babe name Dr. Kerry Deltas and soldier Nathan Spiers, as the two are pulled into an adventure that involves struggles for peace.
The book is good to explain things to you and not let you feel lost on what the back story is. The Art is very nice and some of the scenes you can definetly see the design background in his work (he designed the weapons for the Transformers Cybertron game). I dig extra details in artwork and this cat puts it in. shadows, tones, full backgrounds, buttons, drapery, its all there. I really was impressed by it. Check out the site for more details on the book. To buy this, and i know you will , holla at Indy Planet
After you read it let me know what you think of the Art and the story..and i usually say "Peace" at the end of all my blog post but i'm gonna ham it up this time and hit you with "PEACEKEEPER"!!